
About The BookNXTCoin

The world first platform to reward investors and traders build on ICO

Welcome to BOOKNXTCOIN, where we're passionate about revolutionizing the world of finance through the power of cryptocurrencies. As a leading company in the industry, we are committed to providing innovative solutions and empowering individuals and businesses to participate in the digital economy with confidence.

At BOOKNXTCOIN, we recognize that traditional financial systems with inefficiencies.

Watch VideoWhat and How it work

What is ICO Crypto ?

ICO Crypto is a platform for the future of funding that powering dat for the new equity blockchain

While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use product based on private blockchain. It will include easy cryptocurrency payments integration, and even a digital arbitration system.

At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which will make business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable.

The ICO App

BookNxtCoin is a revolutionary platform designed to empower investors and traders in the cryptocurrency space. Built on ICO, it provides seamless access to next-generation AI-driven solutions, making crypto investments more accessible, secure, and rewarding.


At BookNxtCoin, we harness the power of blockchain and AI to eliminate inefficiencies in traditional financial systems. Our platform ensures real-time mining, secure transactions, and a transparent investment ecosystem, allowing users to diversify their portfolios effortlessly.

  • Crypto-news curation
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Wallet aggregation
  • Professional Network
  • No more expensive fees

BNC Presale Stage 1

Join the industry leaders to discuss where the markets are heading. We accept token payments.





Total Supply

Feb 20, 2025 (11:00AM GMT)

Tokens exchange rate


Certik Audit

Click Here

Sale Raised

46,000 BNC (46%)

of tokens


of proceeds


Our Roadmap

October 2024

We started for RND & team

February 2025

We created a token

April 2025

We are listening to the CMC

June 2025

Our game & utility App launch

September 2025

We are listening to Binance wallet

December 2026

International expo We are participating in Dubai

Powered by a team

Our team consists of blockchain experts, developers, and industry leaders dedicated to revolutionizing the cryptocurrency space. We are committed to building secure, scalable, and innovative solutions that empower users worldwide.

Louis Baker
CEO & Lead Blockchain

Louis Baker

CEO & Lead Blockchain

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Blockchain 85%
Decentralization 68%
Jonathan Rios
CTO & Software Engineer

Jonathan Rios

CTO & Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jason Morales
Sr.Backend developer

Jason Morales

Sr.Backend developer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Joseph Jordan
Software Engineer

Joseph Jordan

Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.


Louis Baker
CEO & Lead Blockchain

Louis Baker

CEO & Lead Blockchain

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Blockchain 85%
Decentralization 68%
Jonathan Rios
CTO & Software Engineer

Jonathan Rios

CTO & Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Jason Morales
Sr.Backend developer

Jason Morales

Sr.Backend developer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

ICO Crypto Partners

  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner

As seen in

  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner
  • partner

ICO Crypto News


The Intersection with Blockchain.

Blockchain Meets Energy Surplus of electrical energy is sometimes ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus...


The Intersection with Blockchain.

Blockchain Meets Energy Surplus of electrical energy is sometimes ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus...


The Intersection with Blockchain.

Blockchain Meets Energy Surplus of electrical energy is sometimes ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus...

Frequently Asked Question

Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, ICO Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

What is ICO Crypto?

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Which of us ever undertakes laborious?

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

When she reached the first hills?

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

When she reached the first hills?

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Token with Etherum, Bitcoin or Litecoin. You can also tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed do eiusmod eaque ipsa.

Contact ICO Crypto

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Our office is located in a beautiful building and garden and fast growing city.